Premiums due from managers are to be paid on a quarterly basis, in compliance with the deadlines set out in the Fund’s Regulations, namely:

  • 1st quarter 28 February
  • 2nd quarter 31 May
  • 3rd quarter 31 August
  • 4th quarter 30 November

In the event of late payment of premiums, the provision of services will be automatically suspended and interest on arrears will be charged on the premiums due in accordance with Article I of the Regulations.

Quarterly premiums are always due in full, even if membership is terminated during the quarter.

Only in the event of enrolment during the quarter will the relevant premium be calculated in monthly instalments.

Premiums owed by working managers at companies that are Fasi members, or those with an allowance in lieu of notice, must be deducted from their individual earnings and paid directly by the companies themselves using the methods specified for them (Companies: paying premiums).

All other managers are required to pay the premiums due themselves, as described below.

The only methods of payment available are

  • “Bollettino Freccia” bank paying-in slips;
  • bank transfer with predefined reason for payment, available in the manager’s private area on the website.

Fasi accepts no liability for errors or delays in processing resulting from any payment being made in other ways from those above.

Managers who decide not to use the bank direct debit system for premiums (SEPA direct debit), must pay the premiums due to Fasi on a quarterly basis, by the deadlines shown above. These payments should be made using only  the pre-addressed “Bollettino Freccia” bank paying-in slips or, alternatively, by bank transfer with predefined reason for payment using the specific function within the Private Area.

Managers who pay their quarterly premiums themselves and who have agreed to pay these by direct debit from their bank account (SEPA ex RID), having received express and prior confirmation of this from Fasi, will not have to make any other payments (other than any premiums that are in arrears).

However, all members who decide in future to use direct debit to pay their premiums or who change their IBAN debit code, must complete this process by filling in the “Mandate for CORE SEPA Direct Debit” form. This can be done by logging into their Private Area and following the relevant instructions.

Requests for, changes to or cancellation of direct debit instructions may be made using the “direct debits” procedure.


For managers who pay their premiums directly (retired managers, conventional), it is possible to request direct debit payments at any time of the year.

By using this method, once Fasi receives authorisation, the premium will be requested via the interbank network and automatically debited from the member’s account on the same day as the deadline and at the exact quarterly amount.

It is the recommended and most convenient method of payment for managers.

No fee is charged by Fasi or, in most cases, by the banking institutions involved.

To authorise this payment method, simply use the online procedure in your Private Area in the “Manager’s Personal Details” – “Bank Details” section, and then:

  • Provide the IBAN number of the account from which premiums will be debited (checking this on a recent document or at your bank)
  • Print the automatically generated “Mandate for CORE SEPA” form
  • Date it and sign it
  • Scan it in PDF format in greyscale or black/white
  • Send it to the Fund using the upload function within the same facility

The direct debit payment will take effect in the first relevant quarter following the date on which the request is received by the Fund.


A bank paying-in slip, pre-addressed and pre-completed also in terms of the amount due, can be obtained in your Private Area by clicking on the: “Bollettino Freccia request” button and following the instructions. Once the request is confirmed, the paying-in slip will be sent by email, in printable PDF format, within a few hours.


Since May 2020, it has also been possible to pay premiums by bank transfer by following the instructions in your private area: please note that, for a successful reconciliation of any payment by bank transfer, it is absolutely essential to enter the specific reason for payment generated by the Fund. This should be requested before each payment and can only be used once.

This reason for payment can be requested in your personal home page on the Fund’s website, logging in with your membership number and password.


Other payment methods (cheques, unauthorised bank transfers, money orders, etc.) are not recommended in any circumstances, since they are unsafe (loss, theft) or may frequently result in delays due to the characteristics of the payment method (missing, incomplete or incorrect payment details and reasons for payment); using these payment methods may therefore lead to the suspension of refund payments, reminders to pay premiums and other problems.


The amount of the premium is unrelated to the composition of the family unit covered with the exception of parents, if any, for whom additional quarterly premiums are due (Article H of the Regulations).

The amount of all premiums due will be published annually in the Circular for Managers

The following persons are excluded from payment of the entrance fee:

  • newly promoted managers or those recruited for the first time with the status of manager, provided that the application is submitted within SIX MONTHS from the date of appointment or employment;
  • holders of widows’/widowers’ pensions of pensioners enrolled in the Fund;
  • holders of survivors’ pensions of managers enrolled in the Fund;

In the event of enrolment/re-enrolment in the Fund, a one-off entry fee is due – together with the first payment – for cases falling under Article L of the Regulations; this fee is:

500,00 euro

  • for working managers or those recruited for the first time with the status of manager who enrol with the Fund more than 6 months and less than 18 months after the date of appointment;
  • for retired managers if they are already enrolled as working managers in health care schemes that are a substitute for Fasi;
  • for managers who enrol with Fasi on a collective basis (Article 2 letter b-bis of the Statute);
  • for managers seconded abroad as per Article 2 letter f of the Statute.

1.500,00 euro

  • for working managers or those recruited for the first time with the status of manager who enrol with the Fund more than 18 months after the date of appointment;
  • managers already working at the date of collective enrolment (Article 2 letter b-bis of the Statute) who enrol later than 6 months after the date of collective enrolment;
  • for managers who were previously enrolled with Fasi but have voluntarily withdrawn from the Fund (excluding those who have lost their eligibility for Fasi membership) or whose membership has been cancelled by the Fund.