You can maintain your membership in the Fund if one of the conditions described below is met. To request termination, the procedure described here will need to be followed.

Please note that there is an online procedure to apply to maintain membership, with the following benefits:


  • Secure and rapid submission of documentation
  • Immediate receipt of the application by the Fund
  • Possibility to monitor the status of the application


Industrial managers who have attained the right to retire (contributory retirement pension, old age pension, invalidity pension) and wish to apply for continued membership without interruption (Art. 2, lett. b of the Statute).

Accrued period of membership:

  • Managers who have accrued at least 10 years’ Fasi membership as working managers, even if more than 8 years have elapsed between the date of termination of employment and the start of retirement, only if they have maintained their Fund membership on a conventional basis.

How to proceed

  1. Send, within 6 months after the date of retirement, an application to maintain membership as a pensioner by following the guided procedure in your Private Area.
  2. Alternatively, you can send the documentation described below using form (FASI07) by registered post to:
Fasi – Fondo assistenza sanitaria integrativa
Via Vicenza, 23 – 00185 ROMA

After the deadline shown it will no longer be possible to apply for membership as a retired manager.


  1. Copy of certification proving retirement.
  2. Alternatively, an INPS statement in which the accrued years of premiums are disclosed.

The quarterly premium must be paid directly by the membership holder.


Industrial managers who have attained the right to retirement (contributory retirement pension, old age pension, invalidity pension) and wish to apply to maintain their membership without interruption, but who have not accrued at least 10 years’ membership of Fasi (Art. 2 lett. c of the Statute).

Accrued period of membership:

  • retired managers who have not accrued at least 10 years’ Fasi membership while in active employment but who were members of the Fund on 01.07.2019;
  • retired managers, whose date of retirement is more than 8 years from the date of termination of employment, if they have maintained membership in the Fund uninterruptedly or have enrolled conventionally within the terms set out in Article C of Regulation 1 within one year from the date of termination of employment pursuant to letters c), d), f), and i).
  • Retired managers, who have not accrued at least 10 years’ membership of Fasi but enrolled with the Fund within six months from the date of their first appointment as industrial managers;
  • retired managers who have not accrued at least 10 years’ membership of Fasi but who enrolled with the Fund on a collective basis.

How to proceed

  1. Send your application for continued membership as a pensioner within 6 months, following the guided procedure in your Private Area.
  2. Alternatively, the documentation described below can be sent using form (FASI07) by registered post to:
Fasi – Fondo assistenza sanitaria integrativa
Via Vicenza, 23 – 00185 ROMA

After the deadline shown it will no longer be possible to apply for membership as a retired manager .


  1. Copy of the certification proving retirement or copy of the pension application showing that the right to a pension has been accrued
  2. Declaration by the former company/companies stating the date of commencement and termination of last employment as an industrial manager (in the event of employment at more than one company, a declaration must be submitted for each.
  3. Consent to the processing of personal data.

The relevant quarterly premium, equivalent to the sum of the premium payable by the manager and that payable by the company, will be paid by the retired manager him/herself


Working industrial managers who go to work without any interruption at another business registered with Fasi.

Employment at the new company begun by the first day of the quarter following the quarter in which the previous employment terminated.

How to proceed
In this case, the company will notify the Fund of the manager’s appointment online, attaching the company’s declaration.


Working industrial managers whose employment has been terminated and who are granted an allowance in lieu of notice (Article 2 lett. d0 of the Statute).


  • The manager must be a member of the Fund at the date of termination of employment.
  • Submit the application no later than 2 months after the termination of employment.

Managers with allowance in lieu of notice can enrol with the Fund, limited to the period covered by the allowance in lieu of notice, beginning from the end of the quarter in which the termination of employment occurred until the end of the quarter during which the period covered by the allowance ended.

How to proceed

    • Inform the company that you wish to exercise this right.
    • Follow the online procedure in your Private Area, or alternatively send a Form for Changes to Personal Data (FASI07) by registered post, completing box D and indicating the start and end date of the period to: :
      Fasi – Fondo assistenza sanitaria integrativa
      Via Vicenza, 23 – 00185 ROMA
    • Enclose a declaration by the company stating this circumstance and its intention to pay the premiums due for the notice period.

    The quarterly premium must be paid by the company covering both its own share and the share deducted from the manager’s earnings, including any premiums for enrolled parents (Articles H and F of the Regulations).
    This period of paying premiums does not count towards the accrued period of membership required to access reduced premiums once retired (Article 2 letter b).


Working industrial managers whose employment has been terminated and who are not granted an allowance in lieu of notice (Article 2 lett. d1 of the Statute).

The manager must be a member of the Fund at the date of termination of employment. Submit the application no later than 2 months after the termination of employment.

The period of coverage is 2 quarters following the termination of employment.

How to proceed

  1. Follow the online procedure in your Private Area, or alternatively send a Form for Changes to Personal Data (FASI07) by registered post, completing box D and indicating the start and end date of the period to:
Fasi – Fondo assistenza sanitaria integrativa
Via Vicenza, 23 – 00185 ROMA

The relevant premiums must be paid by the Manager him/herself.


Working industrial managers who have ceased or interrupted their activity as an employee and wish to maintain their membership in Fasi by voluntarily continuing to pay social security premiums (Art. 2 lett. d2 of the Statute).

Authorisation for voluntary payment of premiums issued by the social security institution. With regard to this, we underline that authorisation by the social security institution is relevant for maintaining membership, but not the regularity and continuity of payments made to the latter. Submission of the application within 6 months of the granting of this authorisation.

How to proceed

  • Follow the online procedure in your Private Area, or alternatively send a Form for Changes to Personal Data (FASI07) by registered post, completing box D, to :
    Fasi – Fondo assistenza sanitaria integrativa
    Via Vicenza, 23 – 00185 ROMA
  • Attach a copy of the authorisation issued by the social security institution

The relevant premiums will be paid directly by the Manager.

This period of paying premiums does not count towards the accrued period of membership required to access reduced premiums once retired (Article 2 letter b).


Non-retired managers who have lost their relevant status (Art. 2 lett. i of the Statute).

Managers must have accrued at least 2 years’ Fasi membership.
Submission of application within 6 months of loss of status.

How to apply

  1. 1. Follow the online procedure in your Private Area, or alternatively send a Form for Changes to Personal Data (FASI07) by registered post, completing box D and indicating the date of termination of employment to:

Fasi – Fondo assistenza sanitaria integrativa
Via Vicenza, 23 – 00185 ROMA

The relevant premiums will be paid by the Manager him/herself.

This period of paying premiums does not count towards the accrued period of membership required to access reduced premiums once retired.


Working managers at companies paying premiums to Fasi who go to work at a foreign subsidiary/parent company or one connected with the premium-paying company, or one which, as a subsidiary or associate, belongs to the same group as the company paying premiums to Fasi (art. 2, lett. f of the Statute).

Working managers to whom the CCNL for industrial managers applies.

How to proceed

  1. Follow the online procedure in your Private Area, or alternatively send a Form for Changes to Personal Data (FASI07) by registered post, completing box D, to:
    Fasi – Fondo assistenza sanitaria integrativa
    Via Vicenza, 23 – 00185 ROMA

    Type of maintained membership requested:

    • without entitlement to services so that this period counts towards the accrued period of Fasi membership in order to identify the retired Manager’s premium bracket, paying a notional premium equivalent to the premium referred to in Article G of the Regulations;
    • with entitlement to services paying the relevant premium for members pursuant to Article 2 letter c) of the Statute.
  2. Attach a declaration of the company formerly worked for, signed by its legal representative, certifying that the manager has been transferred to employment by a foreign company controlled by or affiliated with the company paying premiums to Fasi or belonging, as a subsidiary or affiliate, to the same group.
    • Application without entitlement to services, within six months from the date of termination or start of leave;
    • Application with entitlement to services, within two months from the date of termination or start of leave.

Industrial managers on leave (art. 2, lett. c1 of the Statute).

Membership of the Fund is maintained for the duration of the leave period.

How to proceed

  1. Follow the online procedure in your Private Area, or alternatively send a Form for Changes to Personal Data (FASI07) ) by registered post, completing box D and indicating the start and end date of the period to:
    Fasi – Fondo assistenza sanitaria integrativa
    Via Vicenza, 23 – 00185 ROMA
  2. Attach a declaration from the company specifying the start date of the leave period and, if applicable, the end date.

The relevant premiums will be paid directly by the Manager.


In the event of the death of a member, it is the right of the spouse, or of any survivor who becomes the holder of a widow’s/widower’s or survivor’s pension, to apply to take over the membership (Art. 2 lett. g of the Statute).

Send the application within 12 months of the date of death.

How to proceed

  1. To simply close the membership, a death certificate must be sent.
  2. To transfer the membership, an explicit application must be made by the person entitled to it by registered email to or by registered post to:

Fasi – Fondo assistenza sanitaria integrativa
Via Vicenza, 23 – 00185 ROMA

The rules and conditions for the payment of premiums are the same as those for retired managers.

In the event of more than one former spouse, the right to membership is reserved for the last marriage partner and is not transferable.